The Terrible Two's

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

more Max! And Martin Luther King Holiday!

January 21, 2008
Happy Birthday Dr. King!!! I didn't do anything to commemorate the Holiday because I had a dr's appointment that morning to take my 3 Hour glucose test. I did however drop Max off at daycare where he colored a picture of Dr. King that was hanging on the wall outside of the classroom Tuesday morning. When I inquired about the artwork I was informed that when Max was asked who the man in the picture was that his response was "Daddy." I hope to do better in the future. I did pass my GTT and am not a gestational diabetic this time around, my response was "Hot D--n!" Now I just have to lay low until she gets here. The picture below is one of those random ones that Max wants taken occasionally. Last night he found frozen vegetarian chicken patties in the freezer and decided he should try them out. I let him - what could it hurt?!?!

I wonder what Dr. King would think . . . . .


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