The Terrible Two's

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Preston's 4th Birthday

Preston's birthday is always the 2nd one of the year. He celebrated this year at Chuck E' Cheese's. Max was only one week into his recovery, but we didn't want to miss it. Preston is at another school now and we really like his family.

Chuck's place was jam packed that day; they had like 20+ parties that day and were jam packed. Maddy stuck close to me, but Max had a blast! Somehow we didn't get any pictures of Preston or the cake. I think Max was in the bathroom at the time.

It's always amazing to me how we end up with all of these great picture of our children at other folks birthday parties and events, but it's always questionable when we host our own. I guess it's hard to play hostess and photographer at the same time.


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