RIP Mr. Redden
One of my brother's closest friends (far left) lost his father to a freak accident a few weeks ago. I had never met Steve's father, but I heard a lot about him when Kobi and all of his friends used to hang out at my house during their late high school and early college days. I guess it pays off to have a older sister who has a house where you can eat, drink, and party. Kobi and Steve used to compare notes on the inequitable treatment between them and their little brothers. Mr. Redden sounded like a hard man, at least he was on Steve. But it worked out for him, he was so responsible and mature that at one point I wanted to date him - probably not a good idea. He did end up marrying an older woman though, so I am not embarrassed to admit that. Turns out his father wasn't as hard as I thought he was; he was just hard working!
Steve has been like a part of our family over the years so I wanted us to be there for him. I certainly know how he feels having lost my father by surprise also. And he was there for our family at our time of need. The Blockers plus one (KWK) spent the whole day with their family. Fortunately, but unfortunately, I finally got to meet his mother and the infamous little brother.
(l to r) Steve, Lynn (his wife), Mrs. Redden (his mother, and Cory (his little brother)
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