The Terrible Two's

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

New Hairdo

In mid August, after four (4) long months of resistance and rebellion, I finally got up the nerve to comb Maddy's hair into one of those traditional African American baby hairdo's. I don't know why "picking out" her 'fro almost everyday did not count as combing her hair - it works for me. Those of you who know me well, know that hair is not my thing. But after about an hour or so of screaming, kicking and crying (from both of us) - below is what we got. Actually this is the next day after all of the nylon bands broke during the night. She was too traumatized for pictures immediately following and then she slept for three hour from the exhaustion.

I think it was a good first try and she's cute either way it goes, but it did make her head look even bigger than usual. Poor, baby! "Mommy is going to try harder to get it right."


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