We are Family (More Shower)
Is great having my family over for the shower. It's always good to see them. Below are my Daddy's sisters sitting with Mama and Leigh. Not pictured, but in the near vicinity, were one of their daughters and even a few of their grands.
Brother James and cousin Chandra. Chandra was such a sweetheart she and her dad (Mama's brother) traveled eight (8) hours to visit and be here for the shower. Chandra jumped right in and helped Mama with shower games and decorations.
"The Boys" and Uncle Jesse (Mama's brother) out on the deck. That's where they spent most of their time during the shower, along with the kids.
"The Twins" of course are always in the house. Cousin Greta with her daughter Aryshona (Max's Nanny).
Also in the present, but not pictured were my cousins Christine, Andrea, and Tracey.
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