Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Awards Ceremony
Below - Rodney and I in City Hall before walking over to the luncheon.
RIP Daddy Odell
Kaitlyn's Birthday Party
Busy, busy, busy!

Snow Day
We had a bogus snow day. People in Arkansas freak out at the mere mention of snow or icy conditions. So Max's daycare closed at 10:30 AM, City Hall closed at noon, and Markisha's school closed at 2:30 PM. I picked everybody up and we headed for the house to hang out and do nothing. Max had the entire run of the house; he basically did what ever he wanted to for nine straight hours. During that time Markisha and I scrap booked some of her Sweet Sixteen birthday party pictures. We only got two pages done and we made a big mess (above), but the pages are cute and I am inspired to get the job done before she turns 18 this May. I have already started a third page, that should not take long with little or no interruptions, but will probably take the rest of this week.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Fish Fry Correction
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
more Max! And Martin Luther King Holiday!
I wonder what Dr. King would think . . . . .
Max, Max, and . . .
Bedrest is for the Birds!
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Ms. No Name
I had a doctor's appointment today. I feel great in general and everything is going well with the progression of the development of the baby, who I have decided will not receive her first name until I meet her. The front runners are Madeline, Madison, Marley, and Memphis.
Pretty Girls Wear Twenty Pearls

Starla and I attended the Centennial Celebration Press Conference at the State Capitol this afternoon. I had trouble finding some pink and green to wear to the occasion. Don't get me wrong I have plenty of pink and green - just not in maternity sizes. Shana helped me pull something together the night before and it was kinda of cute.
I got see lots of sorors that I hadn't seen in a awhile and that's always nice. Since 1908, the sisterhood of Alpha Kappa Alpha has responded to the world’s increasing complexity. It continues to empower communities through exemplary service initiatives and progressive programs. The main focus of the press event was "100 Days of Awareness," which is a campaign to make the Arkansas community aware of the devastating affects of, ways to prevent, and where to seek treatment in regard to cervical cancer. We were encourage to tell everyone who would listen to get regular pap smears and look into getting the new vaccination. It was amazing to hear that Arkansas was the leading state in deaths due to cervical cancer.
Fry Daddy Galore!!!
Thursday, January 10, 2008
"I'm living the single life"
I thought I was going to have a nice quiet, lazy weekend. But my mother decided to have a singles mixer/party at out house on Saturday. She invited a small group of her single men and women friends and acquaintances. I am not including pictures or names, but I can tell you that everyone at the party was over 40. It was very interesting to see the pre-elderly interact with one another. It will be interesting to see if any couples emerge form the group. The food was great and Max enjoyed eating and hanging around the group.