January 17 - 20, 2008
I guess I jinxed myself by doing all that talk about feeling great after my appoint on Wednesday because at the end of the work day on Thursday I was sending out the 911 call to Rodney and Shana because I had to limp to my car and knew that wrangling Max was going to be difficult for the evening. And you know he was in rare form - super hyped up, super Max!!! They all came running and filled in where the other fell short. Like Mama changing stinky under pants because Shana doesn't do diapers. And Shana feeding him because Rodney doesn't know what his eating schedule is and Rodney putting him to bed because I couldn't lift him over the crib side. It was team work as good as I can get it from my crew!! Thanks to everyone for pitching in.
The next morning I was feeling better, but by noon I was in so much discomfort that I decided to call the doctor. I knew I couldn't make it through the weekend. Of course Dr. Skokas and his nurse were out for the rest of the day by the time I called. I got to talk to Nurse Glenda, who almost made me curse because she kept saying to me "oh, yea, that can be extremely painful" and "it's only going to get worse as the baby continues to grow." Dr. Taylor put me on bed rest for the weekend with Tylenol and a heating pad and told me to come in Monday if it didn't get any better.
When I called Rodney to tell him that I had a call into the doctor I was totally blinded by the pain and couldn't think straight. He did something I don't think he's ever done or maybe just not in many years. He took control of the situation and came to me with a fine tuned plan of action. He called some people and all I had to do was go home and get in bed. Aryshona picked up Max, brought me ice cream, and took care of Max until Rodney got home. Shana was supposed to come in to relieve Aryshona, but got distracted with a hot date. But I do have to give her credit for the night before and Aryshona did volunteer for extra duty. Mama brought me a book to read and dinner, she also did some grocery shopping so that I would have carbs and sugar for the weekend in preparation for my glucose test on Monday. Rodney got put in an early car, which put him home by 10 instead of midnight. Kudos to Rodney for having a plan!!!
I woke up and really didn't do much bed resting, but I did kind of keep still. I unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher once, folded a load of clothes, cleared the miscellaneous Christmas leftovers out of the upstairs hallway and put them in the attic (Rodney helped), helped Mama tutor a student and plan a baby shower, made my
YaYa Art Club card of the month and started making baby shower invitations. I got back in bed around 7 PM and decided that Sunday would be different.
(That's my YaYa Card of the month - Trees and Snowflakes was the theme and I had to use the smakin acetate technique)
For this day, Mama got the Kudos. We know what she did on Friday, but on Saturday she cooked pot roast with carrots and potatoes for dinner and it was excellente! She also started the laundry. But Sunday she outdid herself. Rodney worked late and didn't come in until after 5 AM, so I got up for a few hours when he came home. Mama came upstairs around 8 AM with freshly washed and folded laundry, got Max out of bed and dressed for the day, and took him downstairs for breakfast. But before she took him downstairs she gathered up the rest of the laundry (including the gown I wore all day on Saturday with the chocolate ice cream stain from Friday) and emptied all of the trash. All I did for the day was a few dishes, baby shower invitations, watched football, movies, and read.